Upgraded one of our older Solaris machines to cyrus imap 2.0.16 ...
everything is working great, *except* that quotes aren't being enforced,
or calculated, properly ...

For example:

relay:/home/centre/c/cyrus> /usr/cyrus/bin/quota user.038073c
   Quota  % Used    Used Root
    5000     134    6740 user.038073c
relay:/home/centre/c/cyrus> /usr/cyrus/bin/quota -f user.038073c
user.038073c: usage was 6902363, now 12342416
   Quota  % Used    Used Root
    5000     241   12053 user.038073c

In fact, I just ran a 'quota -f' to force it to re-calculate everyone's
mail quota/usage, and even afterwards:

relay:/home/centre/c/cyrus> /usr/cyrus/bin/quota -f user.046959s
user.046959s: usage was 7557475, now 11349515
   Quota  % Used    Used Root
    5000     221   11083 user.046959s

Something I don't have setup right?  :(

Thanks ...

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