On Tue, 14 May 2002, Anthony Brock wrote: > I have attempted to configure from the CVS several times, and I have always > encountered the following error. This is with the autoconf executable > downloaded from ftp.gnu.org (about a month ago). Any ideas? I would REALLY > like to try some of the new bug-fixes, but cannot even reach the compile! > The error message is below,
I suspect you are not bootstrapping the build process properly. You should run "SMakefile" as a shell script. e.g.: /bin/sh ./SMakefile Of course, you need to be using autoconf 2.13 and automake 1.4, which are not the most recent versions -Rob -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 235 * 412-268-7456 Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper