I have a box with redhat 7.3 and cyrus 2.0.16 compiled.  When I started master -D i get
deliver:unable to init duplicate delivery database
imapd.log shows
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** master[27534]: process started
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** master[27535]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** ctl_mboxlist[27535]: running mboxlist recovery
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** [27534]: process 27535 exited, signaled to death by 11
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** master[27536]: about to exec /usr/cyrus/bin/ctl_deliver
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** ctl_deliver[27536]: DBERROR: dbenv->open failed: Unknown error 3221222928
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** master[27534]: process 27536 exited, status 1
Sep 17 09:19:40 *** master[27534]: ready for work
I looked at ctl_deliver.c and this is causing problems..but I do not understand it.  This is the first 7.3 box I've built, but I have never had these problems pre 7.3.
   config_init(alt_config, "ctl_deliver");
  if (duplicate_init(flag) != 0) {
        "deliver:unable to init duplicate delivery database\n");
Anybody help would be greatly appreciated.

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