
I am running Cyrus IMAPD 2.1.9 on RH 7.3.
I seem to be having a problem with reconstruct. From what I can see, if you
run reconstruct in a mode where you want it to discover and add missing
mailboxes, it only adds directories as mailboxes if there a cyrus.* files in
the directory. This creates a problem when you have folder nodes which are
not mailboxes as it doesn't seen to look at directories below this point to
see if there are mailboxes as subfolders.

1) With cyradm Create user.foo
2) Create user.foo.noselect.mb1 & user.foo.noselect.mb2
3) Backup foo's mailbox.
4) Delete user.foo
5) Create user.foo again and copy this user down from backup and chown -R
the reloaded files to the 'cyrus' user.
6)  As the cyrus user, run 'reconstruct -rf user.foo'

Because the 'noselect' folder has no cyrus.* files in it, the reconstruct
does not add it as a mailbox (Which is reasonable as it is not one), but it
fails to look any further below this folder and hence never finds and
creates the noselect.MB1 or noselect.MB2 mailboxes.

Is this a bug in reconstruct?


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