
The notifyd documentation is apparently in error...

The notifyd(8) page says:

                   Email the notification. This method can ONLY be used in a
                   Sieve 'notify' action as it requires a mailto: URL to be
                   specified as an :option.

Here are the results when I tried to use it as originally defined.

Syntax error:
    notify :method "mailto"
           :option "mailto:me@;example.com?subject=sieve+mail+notification"
           :message "You got mail" ;

Syntax is okay but doesn't work:
    notify :method "mailto"
           :options "mailto:me@;example.com?subject=sieve+mail+notification"
           :message "You got mail" ;
    notify :method "mailto"
           :options "[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=sieve+mail+notification"
           :message "You got mail" ;

The notification is sent and then pingpongs between the mailserver and the firewall;
because neither host will accept 
to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=sieve+mail+notification.example.com>

Sort of works:
    notify :method "mailto"
           :options "mailto:me@;example.com"
           :message "You got mail" ;

The notification is sent and is received; however, the To header is:
  To: <mailto:me@;example.com>

Seems to work:
    notify :method "mailto"
           :options "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
           :message "You got mail" ;

By examining the behavior of notifyd, the original definition seems to be incorrect
because the notify daemon is not parsing the :options value as a mailto: URL as is
stated; but simply passing the value straight to sendmail.

If that is the case, the man page should say:
                   Email the notification.  This method can ONLY be used with
                   the Sieve 'notify' action because it requires specification of
                   a destination address.  The destination address is given as an
                   option.  For example this sieve script will send a notification
                   to [EMAIL PROTECTED] whenever mail is received:
                       require "notify" ;
                       notify :method "mailto" :options "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" ;

I haven't tried a string list in the ":options" so I don't know if one will work
as expected.   Something like:
    notify :method "mailto" :options ["[EMAIL PROTECTED]","[EMAIL PROTECTED]"]  ;

Mark Keasling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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