On Thu, Nov 07, 2002 at 02:01:02PM -0500, Erik Enge wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Felix Cuello) writes:
> > Nov  7 15:00:11 sinclair pop3d[3432]: login: sinclair[200.xxx.xxx.xxx]
> > fcuell plaintext
> > Nov  7 15:00:49 sinclair saslauthd[554]: AUTHFAIL: user=fcuell
> > service=pop realm=
> Are you authenticating via PAM?  You might need to add an entry for
> "pop" in /etc/pam.d.
> Erik.

no, I'm authenticating via saslauthd -a ldap
[I suppose that unstability could be because sasl is beta...
 but other people in the list told me that sasl works fine with ldap]

Now I'm sniffing connections to understand where is the problem.



Felix Cuello

Av.Santa Fe 882 P.13 Of. "E"
C.P. ABP1059C
Tel.: (54) 011 - 4312-1698
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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