On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 12:30:40AM -0500, Igor Brezac wrote:
> It looks like you are hitting ldap_timeout, default is 5 seconds.  You
> might fix the problem if you increase the value of this parameter.

You're always right Igor!, It was an indexing problem. We have 6500
users into our LDAP users directory, and LDAP takes 1,5 sec. to resolve
a query. Then the solution was to index uid in LDAP and then put in
slapd.conf the parameter to mantain indexed this field.

Thanks for your time!


Felix Cuello

Av.Santa Fe 882 P.13 Of. "E"
C.P. ABP1059C
Tel.: (54) 011 - 4312-1698
Buenos Aires - Argentina

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