Simon Matter wrote:
part of their distributions in the past. I looked at so many Perl source
RPMs from RedHat but was unable to do the same with Cyrus. So, if there
is really something broken in the perl part of Cyrus and could be fixed,
I'd be happy to see it.
I've been luckier: I just had to look at a single source rpm (but that's because I asked and someone told me which one was the right one ;-)
Attached is the patch that I had to apply to build under mandrake 9.0 but *not* under 8.2 (the former comes with perl 5.8.0 while the latter uses 5.6.1). OTOH on 8.2 I have to manually install the perl manpages in the spec file. I'm not sure the patch should go upstream since it's distribution policy (or is it perl policy since 5.8.0? I don't know)
If you look at the spec file, posted at, you'll see that there are other hacks to build with gcc 3.2 (mainly to remove /usr/local/include in order to avoide configure failures).

Luca Olivetti
Wetron Automatización S.A.
Tel. +34 93 5883004 Fax +34 93 5883007

Attachment: cyrus-imapd-mdk9.0perl-patch.bz2
Description: Binary data

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