
On Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:08:58 -0500, Su Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote...
> Hi
> I am building a web admin server to manage the sieve filtering for Cyrus IMAP. I 
>don't want to use Sieveshell. I telnet to Sieve port 2000 and did a 'AUTHENTICATE 
>"PLAIN" ' command. I checked the man page of timsieved. There is not much information 
>about valid commands. I am not sure how can I input my auth name and user name to be 
>able to login. 
> This is so far I got:
> >telnet web9 2000
> >Trying
> >Connected to web9.swlab.rim.net.
> >Escape character is '^]'.
> >"IMPLEMENTATION" "Cyrus timsieved v1.1.0"
> >"SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope vacation imapflags notify subaddress relational 
> >OK
> >{0}
> >user "cyrus"
> >NO "Authentication Error"
> Can any body let me know the valid commands for Timsieved?

The PLAIN authentication method seems to be defined in rfc2595.txt.

The example given for ACAP in the rfc is:
               C: a003 AUTHENTICATE "PLAIN" {21+}
               C: <NUL>tim<NUL>tanstaaftanstaaf
               S: a003 OK CRAM-MD5 password initialized

>From this it appears that you can't use PLAIN via telnet because you can't
enter a <NUL> character (at least I don't know how it would be done).

I've been able to telnet to the timsieved by enabling the LOGIN authentication
mechanism.  However you'll have to be able to convert username and password to
base64 inorder to use it.

I do have C++ source for a b64echo which I can post if anyone wants it.

Sieve commands are defined in:

Mark Keasling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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