Ken Murchison wrote:

Christian Schulte wrote:

Ken Murchison wrote:

Christian Schulte wrote:


I am running 2_2 cvs branch with virtual domain support turned on and
everything seemd to work fine. I now wanted to move my old installation
to the new one and cannot get delivery to shared folders working.
If I create a shared folder with cyradm like:

$>cm sharedfolder

I cannot do

$>sam sharedfolder user@domain lrswipcda

and get

setaclmailbox: user@domain: lrswipcda: Invalid identifier

If I create a shared folder with cyradm like:

$>cm sharedfolder@domain

I can do

$>sam sharedfolder@domain user@domain lrswipcda

and the user can subscribe to the folder and sees it on the same level
than his inbox as expected. If I now setup sendmail to send via the
cyrusv2 mailer with an address like +sharedfolder@domain I get the
following errors in the logs which I do not understand ! What is wrong
here ?

Nov 15 02:55:33 mail lmtpunix[8259]: [ID 921384 local6.debug] accepted
Nov 15 02:55:33 mail lmtpunix[8259]: [ID 685068 local6.debug] lmtp
connection preauth'd as postman
Nov 15 02:55:33 mail lmtpunix[8259]: [ID 152585 local6.error] couldn't
create stage directory: : No such file or directory
Nov 15 02:55:33 mail lmtpunix[8259]: [ID 519036 local6.error] IOERROR:
creating message file 8259-1037325333: No such file or directory
Nov 15 02:55:33 mail sendmail[8262]: [ID 801593]
gAF1rq13008256: to=<+sharedfolder@domain>, delay=00:01:41,
xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=cyrusv2, pri=210378, relay=localhost, dsn=4.2.0,
stat=Deferred: 451 4.3.2 cannot create temporary file: No such file or

Sorry for the delay, but I finally got a chance to look into this.
Cyrus isn't the problem here, the problem is that the MTA is stripping
the domain off of the recipient address when it gets passed to lmtpd.

Try changing the cyrusv2 mailer definition to use:


Does not work either! I had


in my cyrusv2.m4 file and changing it to


produces the same error! sendmail delivers correctly to lmtpd, I think:

20776 === CONNECT localhost
20776 <<< 220 XXXXXXXX LMTP Cyrus v2.2.prealpha ready
20776 <<< 250-XXXXXXX
20776 <<< 250-8BITMIME
20776 <<< 250-PIPELINING
20776 <<< 250-SIZE
20776 <<< 250-AUTH EXTERNAL
20776 <<< 250 IGNOREQUOTA
20776 <<< 250 2.1.0 ok
20776 >>> RCPT To:<+sharedfolder@domain>
20776 >>> DATA
20776 <<< 250 2.1.5 ok
20776 <<< 451 4.3.2 cannot create temporary file: No such file or directory
20776 >>> QUIT
20776 <<< 221 2.0.0 bye
20776 <<< [EOF]

And the logfile states the same errors ! What makes me a bit confused is
the error message itself. lmtpd is trying to create a temporary file but
the error is "No such file or directory". Is it a missing directory or
wrong permissions on a directory ?

Sorry, I missed this in your original message. This error is a result
of lmtpd's failure to create a spoolfile for the message. Most of the
time this will be in the staging area of the recipient's partition (eg,
/var/spool/imap/stage.), otherwise this will be in your temp space (call
to tmpfile()). Check the ownership/permissions on the 'stage.'
directory on your Cyrus partitions. It should look something like:

[root@eagle imap]# ls -l /var/spool/imap/
total 8
drwx------ 3 cyrus mail 24 Jul 10 12:10 domain
drwx------ 8 cyrus mail 73 Nov 5 12:51 netnews
drwx------ 10 cyrus mail 4096 Oct 4 13:14 public
drwx------ 2 cyrus mail 6 Dec 3 10:18 stage.
drwx------ 22 cyrus mail 4096 Aug 27 11:49 user

I cannot get it to work. Still the same problem! I configured cyrus with --with-cyrus-user=cyrus and --with-cyrus-group=smmsp

schulte-01:48:30:/var >ls -l /var
drwxr-xr-x 8 root bin 512 Sep 20 21:27 spool

schulte-01:48:33:/var >ls -l /var/spool/
drwxrwx--- 4 cyrus smmsp 512 Nov 15 03:06 imap

schulte-01:49:54:/var >ls -l /var/spool/imap/
total 4
drwxrwxr-x 15 cyrus smmsp 512 Dez 3 22:15 domain
drwxrwxr-x 2 cyrus smmsp 512 Dez 5 01:44 stage.

If I do a ./mkimap -d domain I have to chmod 0770 /var/imap/db.backup* afterwards to get rid of DBERROR logentries during cyrus startup, so I think I have a permission problem but where ?


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