Ted Cabeen wrote:

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In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "John A. Tamplin" writ

Quoting Rob Siemborski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Do you really have so much data that it would take 2-3 days to move it?

The tests I have done so far (using both imap-utils mbxcvt and custom perl code)
it looks like it will take around 60 hours to convert everything (2300 users,
23000 folders, 70G total), and that is putting /var/imap on a tmpfs filesystem
for the conversion (about a 2x speed improvement there) and striping /cyrus
across 14 drives in an FC-AL array.

Have you considered just doing a direct mailbox conversion? You can convert directly to Cyrus mailboxes and then reconstruct everything. That might be faster than dealing with the mbxcvt code.

I need to get the flags and seen state transferred as well -- that wouldn't do it, right? It is important that the transition be as seemless as possible. Having to rename a few mailboxes that UW IMAP allows but Cyrus doesn't is enough hassle to the users.

John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

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