Hello List,
I´m trying to install a cyrus imapd server to control mail for multiple domains, after install cyrus-sasl, i was testing then saslauthd daemon using testsaslauthd, all working fine. testsaslauthd authenticate user + realm succefully (./testsaslauthd -u test -p test -r xxxx.com). The problems is with imtest after install cyrus-imapd, imtest fail (./imtest -m login -a [EMAIL PROTECTED]  In the log file i can see the authfail command from saslauthd. I have added another user without realm to sasldb2 database to do the same test, and right now then system pass  the testsaslauthd and imetest test.
I´m using the 2.1.9 version of cyrus-imad and cyrus-sasl, then sasdblistuser2 look like this
Have any body any idea  about what´s happen ?
Thank in advanced

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