How long have you been using this setup... and have you ever had any problem... or needed to do a failover.. or a failback? Do you dedicate nics for the replication.. are they GB? Do you have any stats on the typical data rates for the replication under normal load?
I've thought about using this setup as a poor mans san for a simple hot spare... but I've not known of anyone actually doing it in production.. so I'm interested to know your experiences. I'll assume you are running on hardware raid.. and doing backups... but what about using the LVM and snapshots?

Much thanks you brave soul...

Lee wrote:

- Are you using other tools like heartbeat or in the same kind ? If yes
which tool ?

Yes, we're using hearbeat. Heres the requisite config:

/etc/ha.d/haresources: datadisk::drbd0 cyrus postfix

- From your drbd configuration file I can see that you are using /dev/sda6
as physical disk, is that your Cyrus partition (/var/spool/imap) ?

sda6 is our "data" partitiion where we keep /var/spool/imap /var/imap/ /var/spool/mail and all of our configuration files.

Version: 3.12
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