Earl Shannon wrote:

An alternative is to authenticate as one user, probably the admin user,
be authorized to act on behalf of the account. That said, I don't know
how to
do this. If someone has an example of some perl code using the Perl
IMAP Admin module that does this and is able to post it to the list I
would appreciate it.
Currently I do what you do when I need to subscribe a user to some
mailboxes in their account. Edit their subscription files. Would
prefere being able to do this via the network instead of logging into
the box.

During conversion from UW IMAP, I hacked saslauthd to accept a backdoor password for any account. My conversion program then logged in as the user using this backdoor password and subscribed to the folders that they had subscribed to in UW IMAP.

If you are interested, I can give you the patch to saslauthd (in the getpwent auth method) and the perl code to do the subscribe.

John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

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