
We use Cyrus v2.1.8 on a RedHat 7.3 server, with the following options:

hashimapspool: yes
unixhierarchysep: yes
altnamespace: yes

I observed a strange behavior for the shared mailboxes: each subdirectory of
a shared mailbox is placed under a different hash letter in the mailstore.
For example, we have a shared folder named "test_partage" containing 2
sub-folders named test and test2. Here are the associated directories in the

drwx------    2 cyrus    mail         4096 Jan 13 12:25 C/test_partage/
drwx------    2 cyrus    mail         4096 Jan 16 11:54
drwx------    2 cyrus    mail         4096 Jan 13 09:55 I/test_partage/test/

Is it normal that each folder is placed under a different hash letter? If
yes, why?

That is not the case for normal users folders.

Luc Germain, analyste
Support technique
Service des technologies de l'information
Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke (Québec) Canada  J1K 2R1
tel: 819-821-8000 ext 2866    fax: 819-821-8045

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