On 21 Jan 2003 at 16:31, Mark London wrote:

> I'm not messing with it, uvscan is doing it.  Is there a better software
> alternative that will delete viruses on the server?  Are we the only
> people using cyrus that are running virus scanning software on the
> server?

The only valid way to access messages under Cyrus control is via the
protocols (IMAP/POP), that's stated clearly in the project description.

Why don't you stop the virus before the MTA hands the infected message 
to Cyrus or even better before the MTA accepts it. There are several
software pieces (both commercial and Open Source) that implement
that kind of functionality.

> Btw, I would think cyrus should be able to handle the simple case of a
> missing single file.  I should be able to delete a message for which the
> message file is already missing.  We're not talking about a complex
> database file structure here.  It's a single file with a single message.

Ok if that's simple enough then implement this functionality or get 
somebody on your organization with the relevant programming skills 
to implement it. Send the patch to the Cyrus developers maybe they
will accept and it will get included in the official distribution.
If not, you can maintain a it as a local patch and update is to
every new Cyrus release you deploy.


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