Mikael Brandström wrote:

It should be possible to rewrite rulset Parse0 (and maybe Parse1) to make
them leave the local adress qualified while delivering locally. There
might even be something among the files in cf/cf which kan fix it, I have
a vague memory of something such. Just my 2c.

I made changes locally that amounted to always setting $@ whenever $#local was selected as a mailer (for mailers that don't use $h, it shouldn't matter at all). If you redefine the local mailer to be cyrusv2, then look for $#cyrusv2. The places that have to be changed are:

Ruleset 0, change:

R<@> $#local $: <@> special case error msgs


R<@> $#local $@ $M $: <@> special case error msgs

(if you aren't masquerading use $j instead of $M -- it could be cleaned up so it would work for more general configs but I was in a hurry to get something working for our setup). In Ruleset Parse1, change:

R< > $+ + $* < $+ > $#local $: $1 + $2 plussed name?


R< > $+ + $* < @ $+ > $#local $@ $3 $: $1 + $2 plussed name?

and then the last two rules in Parse1 change from:

R$=L $#local $: @ $1 special local names
R$+ $#local $: $1 regular local names


R$=L $#local $@ $M $: @ $1 special local names
R$+ $#local $@ $M $: $1 regular local names

Remember that tabs separate the columns, not spaces.

Then in the mailer definition, you can pass $u@$h rather than just $u. I am currently using my own deliver program which then connects to LMTP -- this should work for the stock deliver program as well, but for direct LMTP delivery from sendmail you will have to get more creative. I haven't tried it, but it should be possible to copy ruleset EnvFromSMTP to something else and modify it to add @$h to the end of the address if $h is defined, and then change the cyrusv2 mailer to use that for the envelope sender rewrite ruleset.

If anyone wants patches to the stock sendmail 8.12.7 proto.m4 file, I will be happy to send them with the usual disclaimers (I have not made any effort to make the changes more general, just working for our particular configuration -- YMMV).

I also have changes (including 3 lines of source changes) to allow the w flag to be used with a local mailer yet pass through any users that aren't listed in getpwent (ie, I wanted to have user .forward files yet still allow delivery to shared mailboxes). This hack is even more likely to be a problem in the future, as they are likely to eventually use the flag letter 'y' for something else, but if you want them just ask.

One day when I get time I will clean these up and try and submit them to see if they will get included.

John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator
Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

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