On Fri, 31 Jan 2003, Earl R Shannon wrote:

> But that does now beg the question. There must be some form of
> coordination between the various processes as they access the
> mail store. Can this not be abstracted out and put in an API to
> make it easier for people to write their own applications?  I would
> venture a guess to say that the API already exists in some form,
> it just needs to be formalized and published.

Of course there is.  Its (mostly) localized within libimap.a, and the
headers that go along with that library.

I still don't recommend this to someone who just wants to get their
applications to play nice with cyrus though, the externally defined
protocols and applications are much more well defined than the contents of
libimap.a ever will be (since changing external APIs is generally
consdiered bad form ;).

If someone wants to do work to document the internal API, I'd love to see
it.  I suspect the best way to do this would be to further comment all
the stuff in the header files directly, since documentation maintained
separatly is likely to go out of date.  Perhaps a general overview could
go in doc/internal.

Actually, we've been talking for a while about refactoring the mboxlist
API, since its grown in somewhat unsightly ways (especially with the
murder code).


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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