This is fixed in CVS, so if you wait a day or so, 2.1.12 will be out and
you can use that (or you can just use CVS).


On Sun, 2 Feb 2003, Chris Scott wrote:

> Chris Scott wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> >
> > Does anyone have suggestions for what to look at next?
> >
> Sorry for replying to myself but I have more info. on this.  The server
> I have where sieve is working is version is v1.1.0 (compiled from imap
> 2.1.5) and the latest where it is not working is v2.1.11.  The following
> change was made in timesieved/parser.c to the cmd_authenticate command:
> 602a636
>  >       int r;
> 608c642,648
> <       mboxlist_detail(inboxname, &type, &server, NULL, NULL, NULL);
> ---
>  >       r = mboxlist_detail(inboxname, &type, &server, NULL, NULL, NULL);
>  >
>  >       if(r) {
>  >      /* mboxlist_detail error */
>  >      *errmsg = "mailbox unknown";
>  >      return FALSE;
>  >       }
> In my case, r is IMAP_MAILBOX_NONEXISTENT.  It looks like the problem is
> that mboxlist_detail expects an internal mailbox name but it is being
> passed an external mailbox name.
> The fix looks to be using mboxname_hiersep_tointernal() on the inboxname
> before passing it so mboxlist_detail.  Can someone familiar w/the code
> confirm this?
> Thanks,
> Chris Scott

Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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