On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 09:58:30AM -0500, John Alton Tamplin wrote:

| Phil Howard wrote:
| >That would result in doubling the bandwidth on the inside server connection
| >since it would be dealing with the mail first coming in to the MX, then
| >being replicated back out to the other server.  By delivering outside mail
| >to the outside server first, the only bandwidth usage is replicating to
| >the inside server (reverse the scenario for mail originating inside).
| >  
| >
| Is the cost of bandwidth to your inside server really so expensive as to 
| justify the expense of complicated development, hosting an offsite 
| server with that much bandwidth, and maintaining a remote system?  It 
| really sounds like you are overengineering the problem.

Under the original plan, the development was not complicated and thus
not expensive.  The new plan changes the picture.

| >If there was a way to track when the flags got changed.  I feel it's OK
| >to trust the clocks on the servers, and simply decide which flag state
| >prevails based on which has the later timestamp.  But I bet that metadata
| >isn't in the current mailstore design.
| >
| No, the time a flag was changed isn't kept.  In fact for seen flags 
| which are cached in memory while a mailbox is open, only a single bit is 
| kept.

And hence with a conflict in flags, it's not trivial, maybe impossible,
to resolve.

| Phil Howard - KA9WGN |   Dallas   | http://linuxhomepage.com/ |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Texas, USA | http://ka9wgn.ham.org/    |

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