On Mon, 2003-02-10 at 12:31, Louis LeBlanc wrote:
> Just a couple questions, you call procmail from sendmail using the $h,
> $f, and $u variables.  I understand $u is the logname, or username,
> and $h is the plussed address extension, but what is $f?  I've looked
> for some explanation of these variables in the sendmail docs, but
> can't find it.

$f is the envelope sender (from) address. I'm just using the default
procmail settings, from cf/README

> Also, are you able to use user specific spamassassin settings?  This

Yes. User configs work fine. The files under /etc/mail/spamassassin/ are
still used, then the user configs are applied.

I'm not a sendmail guru, but I think that procmail is run suid from
sendmail when it's used as the local delivery agent.

> recipient, but SA still uses the global configs and whitelists - which
> I really want to eliminate in favor of a ~/.spamassassin/ config for
> each user.

That sounds like the correct behavior. All the default rules are stored
in one location, then user specific changes in ~/.spamassassin. Get rid
of the global configs if you don't want them to do anything.


Brandon High                                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Epinions, Inc.                                 Unix System Administrator
Character is what you are. Reputation is what people think you are.

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