On 18 Feb 2003, Mike O'Rourke writes:

> Did you compile SASL2 on your machine? If not, did you install it
> from the RPM's? RedHat (even as late as 8.0) only installs SASLv1 by
> default.

The supplied cyrus-sasl RPMs for Red Hat 8.0 appear to me to include
both SASLv1 and SASLv2 libraries.  They work well enough for me.

> You are trying to use SASLv1 to compile Cyrus-IMAPd 2.1.11!  Try
> installing SASLv2 from the RPM's, if you do not care to download and
> compile it as well.

In general on Red Hat x86 machines it makes no sense to compile Cyrus
from tarballs anyway.  Just use the SRPMs for cyrus-imapd from Simon
Matter at


instead, and you will get a usable Cyrus setup a lot sooner.

If you need cyrus-imapd 2.2 from CVS (until 2.2 gets released), I find
that it makes good sense to grab the CVS tree, turn it into a tarball,
and edit the .spec file from Simon's SRPM to create a cyrus-imapd 2.2
SRPM and RPM set.

> As to your original problem, again you need to tip your hat to the
> kind folks at RedHat.  The default install does not install the
> static libraries for OpenSSL.  So, unless you have explicitely
> installed the static libraries (I am not even sure they are
> available on the disks), ...

Try the openssl-devel RPM package, if you need the static libssl
libraries.  They are most certainly available and present on Red Hat
CDs and FTP sites.  Only those developing (compiling from source) for
OpenSSL will ever need the static libraries, so placing them in a
-devel package, and not installing the, by default, is entirely
natural in the RPM world.

What "the default install" does is not intended to be appropriate for
developers or for production servers anyway, but for new users.
Developers (and knowledgeable sysadmins building mailservers) are
expected to be able to use the package management system that their
chosen distribution uses.  Fortunately for Red Hat admins who want to
use Cyrus, Simon Matter has done most of the hard work for us, and
create suitable RPMs already.

Jonathan Marsden        | Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Making electronic 
1252 Judson Street      | Phone: +1 (909) 795-3877      | communications work 
Redlands, CA 92374      | Fax:   +1 (909) 795-0327      | reliably for Christian 
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