On Wed, 26 Feb 2003, Sebastian Konstanty Zdrojewski wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried with this:
> localhost.localdomain> reconstruct user.mailboxname
> reconstruct: Operating System Error
> The imapd.log file appended the following line:
> Feb 26 16:08:48 nexus imapd[30158]: Reconstructing 
> 'user.massimiliano_rovatti' (not recursive) for user 'postmaster'
> Sorry for boring... I would like to get out of this problem without 
> deleting the entire database...

I encountered this exact situation (directories manually deleted, 
leading to an unreconstructable mailbox) about a month ago. The solution 
we chose was to export the mailboxes db (ctl_mboxlist -d), delete the 
bogus entries from the textfile, then import it back in.

However, this may not be the Right Way to fix it. In our case the server 
was down anyway (the damaged mailbox had killed an overnight quota check 
and corrupted the quota db), so this "brute force and ignorance" approach 
made sense at the time.

Simon Brady                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
ITS Technical Services
University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

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