Patrick Welche wrote:

Overall I see that you send commands to the imap server using imclient_send,
the last argument of which is essentially the text of the imap command.
You register callbacks based on keyword, so that when the server sends you
a reply, the function registered gets called. I suspect I am getting confused
between "tagged" and "untagged". The following is fine, and I think that

. capability                       <- sent with imclient_send
* CAPABILITY IMAP4 IMAP4rev1 ...   -> untagged? capability response
                                     picked up by callback based on
                                     keyword "CAPABILITY"
. OK Completed                     -> tagged? ok response picked up by
                                     imclient_send's finishproc

but now for the problem

. examine inbox                    <- sent with imclient_send
* FLAGS (\Answered \Flagged ...    -> untaged flags response, callback_flags
* OK [PERMANENTFLAGS ()]           -> untagged ok response, callback_ok
* 13 EXISTS             ********* What about these two?
* 1 RECENT              ********* untagged responses with no keyword?
* OK [UNSEEN 13]                   -> untagged ok response, callback_ok
* OK [UIDVALIDITY 1043953684]      -> untagged ok response, callback_ok
* OK [UIDNEXT 15]                  -> untagged ok response, callback_ok
. OK [READ-ONLY] Completed         -> tagged? ok response picked up by
                                     imclient_send's finishproc

same for eg
. fetch 1 (internaldate)
* 1 FETCH (INTERNALDATE "30-Jan-2003 19:23:41 +0000")
. OK Completed

How can I see the result of fetch?

I have not used the C library, but the perl interface is similar so I suspect this approach will work for you. What I did was add a callback with an empty string for a trigger. The callback gets called on every line, and you can parse it as you please.

       $imap->addcallback({-trigger=>'',-callback=>sub {
               my [EMAIL PROTECTED];

               if($a{-text}=~ /RFC822\.SIZE\s+(\d+)/i) {
                       if($1>100000) {
                       $largest=$1 if($1>$largest);
       ($rc,$text)=$imap->send('','','FETCH 1:* RFC822.SIZE',$mbx);

-- John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931

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