I am trying to set the internaldate for a message, but it doesn't store

This is what I try (using python)
imap.store(1,"+FLAGS","INTERNALDATE 22-Mar-2003 02:10:31 +0100")
> ('OK', ['1 (FLAGS (INTERNALDATE 22-Mar-2003 02:10:31 +0100))'])
It replies with an OK (prefixed with an >), and that the INTERNALDATE
has been altered.

But when I try to fetch the same message it tells me that the
('OK', ['1 (INTERNALDATE "25-Mar-2003 02:10:31 +0100")'])

So it doesn't store the values, even though it returns an OK. Any hints?

Alexander Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
PGP-key: http://alexb.egil.org/key.pub

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: This is a digitally signed message part

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