It all depends on how many simultaneous connections you're trying to serve. If you only need to serve a couple hundred, you're going to be fine with this. However, if you're going to get up past 3-400 simultaneous connections, the master is going to start to need to have more file descriptors open in order to maintain communication with the worker threads. I'm having trouble remembering off the top of my head what order the open file descriptor number is going to be in relation to the connections, but if you have more than 1024 simultaneous connections, you will certainly run into this.

If you're on a small site, then you'll be fine, and can just ignore these. If you're on a large site, particularly with most users keeping imap connections open all the time, you might bump up against the max file descriptors problem. It's your call.


--On Thursday, April 03, 2003 1:44 AM -0800 Nicolas Gauvrit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I m running a Red Hat Psyche 8.0 ("fully updated")

i've found this :

Q: I'm getting messages in imapd.log like:
Sep 11 17:23:55 ogg lmtpd[773]: DBERROR db3: 16
Sep 11 17:23:55 ogg lmtpd[1409]: DBERROR db3: 17
Sep 11 17:23:56 ogg lmtpd[1508]: DBERROR db3: 9
Sep 11 17:23:56 ogg lmtpd[776]: DBERROR db3: 9 lockers
What's wrong?
A: Nothing is wrong. These messages are logged
whenever Berkeley db encounters lock contention, but
isn't necessarily a problem by themselves. This is
especially likely when you have an empty or small
duplicate delivery database and are receiving a large
volume of e-mail.

Berkeley db 4.0 has a bug where the number of lockers
isn't decremented properly, causing this number to be

and this :

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Andrei Loukinykh wrote:

Well, now I have Cyrus installed (yet not completely
tested though)
The only 2 things left, which are bothering me now ,
2 king of messages
in syslog:

"lmtpd[10260]: DBERROR db4: 9 lockers"

These are usually harmless, unless they go up in a sudden spike or are accompanied by other problems, its ok.

"master: setrlimit: Unable to set file descriptors
limit to
-1: Operation not permitted"

This is also mostly harmless, it indicates that cyrus was unable to unlimit its max # of file descriptors, which is generally ok.

But, may be there's something I can do to fix those
bugs , to live with
clean logs...?

change the code? turn off logging? Since the setrlimit one only occurs at startup, it shouldn't be that big a deal. I can see the DBERROR one being more annoying I guess, but it would require a change to the code.


So i don't think this is really a problem .. ?? isn't
it ?

Best regards

--- Michael Bacon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What operating system?

--On Wednesday, April 02, 2003 10:26 PM -0800
Nicolas Gauvrit

> Hi,
> i post this message yesterday, but i got no
> (is my question to stupid for you ?)
> i'd like to know what does mean those message,
> is i do something wrong ?
> is my Cyrus Imap will work fine, even if i got
> Error messages ?
> i was searching several hours, but i do not found
> anything yet...
> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: setrlimit:
Unable to
> set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not
> permitted
> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: retrying with
> (current max)
> Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame lmtpd[1177]: DBERROR
db4: 7
> lockers
> Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame pop3d[1176]: DBERROR
db4: 8
> lockers
> Thank you.
> --- Nicolas Gauvrit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i had installed cyrus-imapd-2.1.11 with options :
>> ./configure  --with-auth=unix
>> --with-sasl=/usr/lib/sasl2
>> --with-openssl=/usr/include/openssl --no-create
>> --no-recursion --with-mboxlist-db=skiplist
>> I got those messages in /var/log/messages
>> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: setrlimit:
>> to
>> set file descriptors limit to -1: Operation not
>> permitted
>> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master: retrying with
>> (current max)
>> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame master[1170]: process
>> started
>> Apr  1 07:04:29 ilemadame ctl_cyrusdb[1171]:
>> recovering cyrus databases
>> Apr  1 07:04:39 ilemadame ctl_cyrusdb[1171]: done
>> recovering cyrus databases
>> Apr  1 07:04:39 ilemadame master[1170]: ready for
>> work
>> Apr  1 07:04:39 ilemadame ctl_cyrusdb[1172]:
>> checkpointing cyrus databases
>> Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame lmtpd[1177]: DBERROR
>> 7
>> lockers
>> Apr  1 07:04:40 ilemadame pop3d[1176]: DBERROR
>> 8
>> lockers
>> Apr  1 07:05:17 ilemadame ctl_cyrusdb[1172]: done
>> checkpointing cyrus databases
>> What does it really mean ?
>> is it ok ?
>> i've seen ( here :
>> )
>> that it might be not a problem, but i'd like read
>> your
>> advises
>> thank you
>> my imapd.conf :
>> ---------------
>> configdirectory: /var/imap
>> partition-default: /home/cyrus/var/spool/imap
>> admins: cyrus
>> sasl_pwcheck_method: auxprop
>> allowanonymouslogin: no
>> timeout: 30
>> poptimeout: 30
>> popinpoll: 0
>> defaultacl: lrswipcd
>> sievedir: /usr/sieve
>> sendmail: /usr/lib/sendmail
>> srvtab:   /var/imap/srvtab
>> tls_cert_file: /var/imap/server.pem
>> tls_key_file: /var/imap/server.pem
>> my cyrus.conf :
>> ---------------
>> # standard standalone server implementation
>> START {
>>   # do not delete this entry!
>>   recover       cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -r"
>>   # this is only necessary if using idled for
>> #  idled                cmd="idled"
>> }
>> # UNIX sockets start with a slash and are put
>> /var/imap/sockets
>>   # add or remove based on preferences
>>   imap          cmd="imapd" listen="imap"
>>   imaps         cmd="imapd -s" listen="imaps"
>> prefork=1
>>   pop3          cmd="pop3d" listen="pop3"
>>   pop3s         cmd="pop3d -s" listen="pop3s"
>> prefork=1
>>   sieve         cmd="timsieved" listen="sieve"
>> prefork=0
>>   # at least one LMTP is required for delivery
>> #  lmtp         cmd="lmtpd" listen="lmtp"
>>   lmtpunix      cmd="lmtpd"
>> listen="/home/cyrus/var/imap/socket/lmtp"
>>   # this is only necessary if using notifications
>> #  notify       cmd="notifyd"
>> listen="/home/cyrus/var/imap/socket/notify"
>> proto="udp" prefork=1
>> }
>>   # this is required
>>   checkpoint    cmd="ctl_cyrusdb -c" period=30
>>   # this is only necessary if using duplicate
>> delivery
>> suppression
>>   delprune      cmd="ctl_deliver -E 3" at=0400
>>   # this is only necessary if caching TLS
>>   tlsprune      cmd="tls_prune" at=0400
>> }
>> Nicolas
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> =====
> Nico
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