Hi all!
I 've been using postfix and cyrus for my email system. Everything seem OK and I can say thanks to opensource community for such great products. But now, some time my system have bounced a message with log error: 554 5.6.0 Message contains bare newlines.
Sorry for my limit knowledge but I dunno what 's wrong. I 've searched in some cyrus maillist but I 'v not found solution yet. I only know there some ellegal in message comming with CRLF in line. Can you all tell me more detail and how to allow my system accept these type of messages
Thanks for all idea!
Do Duc Huy
Centre for Development Infomation  Technology - CDIT
The 4th floor VCCI buiding #9 Dao Duy Anh Str. Dong Da Dstr. Hanoi
Tel: 84-04-5742879

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