Nikola Milutinovic wrote:
Hi all.

Just upgraded our production server to 2.1.13. I must confess, yesterday afternoon and evening were full of Gremlins (those little creatures that screw up your, otherwise, perfect plan for upgrade).

Well, I got the Cyrus UP and RUNNING, but there are some subtle points which fail and make me nervous.

POINT 1: admin

I have users "cyrus" and "root" listed as admins in the "imapd.conf" file. I can login as "root" via "cyradm", no problem (cyradm --auth=cram-md5 --user=root localhost). I can create mailboxes "cm user.nikola".

What I cannot do is:

list mailboxes ("lm" just gives empty line), delete a mailbox ("dm user.ene" just gives "deletemailbox: " and the mailbox is still there)

You need to have the 'c' right in order to create/delete a mailbox.

list ACL for a mailbox (again, a blank line)
I CAN set ACL for mailbox ("sam user.ene root lrwp" gives "setaclmailbox: root: lrwp:")

What is going on here? I'd expect it to be some general ACL problem, but if someone can advise, I'd be grateful.

It _could_ be an ACL problem, but I'd be more inclined to think its a Perl problem. Try doing this:

imtest -a root -m cram-md5 localhost
. LIST "" "*"
. GETACL user.ene

POINT 2: imapd complains ---------------------------- I am seeing this in "imap.log"

You're logging an the local6.debug level. Step this down to and these will go away.

POINT 3: (could be gone) IdleD problems. -------------------------------------------

I was seeing complaints from both "imapd" and "lmtpd", that they couldn't connect to "idled socket", but those are gone at the moment. The log contained this:

Jun 6 06:57:43 Mercury master[3365]: about to exec /usr/opt/Cyrus-IMAP-2.1.13/sbin/imapd
Jun 6 06:57:43 Mercury imap[3365]: executed
Jun 6 06:57:44 Mercury imapd[3365]: accepted connection
Jun 6 06:57:44 Mercury imapd[3365]: login:[] davor plaintext Jun 6 06:57:47 Mercury imapd[3676]: error sending to idled: 0
Jun 6 06:57:47 Mercury imapd[3676]: error sending to idled: 1
Jun 6 06:57:48 Mercury imapd[3676]: seen_db: user davor opened /var/opt/Cyrus-IMAP-2.1.13/config/user/d/davor.seen
Jun 6 06:57:48 Mercury imapd[3676]: error sending to idled: 0
Jun 6 06:57:48 Mercury imapd[3676]: error sending to idled: 1

You configured Cyrus to use idled, but haven't added it to your cyrus.conf. If you have it in cyrus.conf, then it has crashed.

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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