
I was able to work around the problem by adding a line of code to the cyrus
source version 2.0.17 (which is what I am currently using...):

in imap/lmtpengine.c around line 470...

Original code:
    return s;

Hacked code:
    return s;

Seems to be working like a charm.  'lcase' is a function I found in

Does anyone see any problems with this other than the obvious which is you
can never delivery mail to an Uppercase mailbox?


"John C. Amodeo" wrote:

> Greetings,
> I have a minor problem.  I'm migrating to a Postfix 2.0.10 server using
> LMTP delivery to a Cyrus server over the network via transport maps.
> When users send e-mail to an account that has a capital letter in it,
> the mail bounces because the account is unknown.
> Is there any way to have Postfix lowercase all addresses before they are
> forwarded to the transport map?
> Thanks,
> -John

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