Simon Brady schrieb:
> Hello world,
> We're planning to retire our Solaris mail server at the end of the year
> and move Cyrus to Linux. I'd intended to move to RH7.3, which we use
> widely and understand quite well, but Red Hat's support policies have
> killed that idea.
> Is anyone currently running Cyrus on Red Hat Enterprise, either out of the
> box or self-installed? If so, have you encountered any issues beyond those
> to be expected on 7.x? Having built from source on Solaris I was looking
> forward to using Simon Matter's RPMs, but I don't know how they'll
> interact with the RH Network "all your server are belong to us" madness.


My Cyrus-imapd RPMs work (means you have to rebuild from source rpm) on
RedHat 2.1AS+ES and I have not heard of any problems with RH Network.
Please note that only the newest version cyrus-imapd-2.1.13-4.src.rpm
builds correctly on RedHat ES.


> [OT: Yes, I'm aware that there other other Linuces beyond RH, but we're
> committed to HP hardware which is only certified for RH and SuSE (one of
> my colleagues has been told by an HP engineer that they support Debian but
> I've yet to see anything official). We have zero SuSE experience in-house,
> so RH kind of have us by the danglies...]
> Thanks for any feedback,
> Simon
> --
> Simon Brady                             mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ITS Technical Services
> University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

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