On Fri, 2003-06-06 at 10:29, Ken Murchison wrote:
> Patrick Nelson wrote:
> > Running Cyrus-imap 2.1.13 on RH9 and alls well.  Moved the whole company
> > off of exchange a week ago and so far not even a hickup.
> > 
> > So, now I want to explore sieve, but I'm not sure where to begin.  Is
> > there any good docs you all would recommend.  Or maybe highlight to me
> > your course of knowledge on this? 
> For writing scripts or configuring Cyrus to handle them?
> For authoring, this might be the best place to start.
> http://www.cyrusoft.com/sieve/
> For setup, the Cyrus docs _should_ be enough to get you started.

Have sieve working but the cyrusoft sites sieve docs are kind of
lacking.  Anyone else know of a good ole' howto on the syntax of sieve?

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