Am Montag, 30. Juni 2003 19:38 schrieb Kristian Søgaard:
> Hi.
> I just noticed it is only mail that does not have ISO encoding in the
> subject field. So it is basically not a problem in Cyrus. (As some one
> surely would have told me soon enough :-)
> Can i change the default iso ?
> That is, if nothing is specified, then it would default to iso-8859-15.
> Kristian

Maybe you can configure your MTA to do exactly that! In sendmail add the 
following lines to

define(`confSEVEN_BIT_INPUT', `false')dnl
define(`confEIGHT_BIT_HANDLING', `mime')dnl
define(`confDEF_CHAR_SET', `iso-8859-15')dnl


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