Clearly a client is required to properly handle a NO or BAD response to an APPEND command. Since (see below) a client is not permitted to send unencoded NUL characters, that would seem to be a violation of the IMAP protocol and therefore elicit either a NO (as the server can tell the error was in the message text) or a BAD (for a protocol error) tagged response.Obviously there's a problem with the RFC in this case, in that it makes a recommendation to the client but no recommendation or requirement for the server.
But the RFC clearly says that the client is allowed to store a
non-RFC2822 message, if it has a valid reason. Nowhere do I see that it
says the client should deal with the server refusing to handle cases
which the RFC says the client is allowed to do.
Aside from the specific case of NUL characters, the client should be expected to properly handle a NO response if for whatever reason the server is unable to store the data. The RFC specifies the behavior of both the client and the server, and saying the message SHOULD be in RFC2822 format means that the server can choose to relax that rule if it has a good reason just as well as it does for the client. Certainly the server is not required to accept non-RFC2822 messages, so the client should be prepared to handle a refusal if it chooses to relax that requirement.
I tried to make it clear that I do not consider storing a non-RFC822RFC3501 specifically requires 2822 rather than 822, and even says that all references to 822 should be considered as 2822. If a mail client claims to conform to RFC3501, then the mail messages it sends should conform to RFC2822 not RFC822. If it wants to claim conformance only to an older IMAP RFC, that is fine.
message to be a valid reason, in the RFC2119 sense, to violate the
"SHOULD". IMAP is designed for storing Internet email, and that
requires at minimum RFC822. (RFC733, the RFC822 predecessor, is far to
old to consider here. RFC822 is over twenty years old; RFC2822 is only
two years old. We long ago reached that point where it's reasonable to
assume that all Internet email is RFC822-compliant, but we just are not
at the point where it's reasonable to assume that all Internet email is
Using null-terminated strings with data that might contain nulls isThe data is not allowed to contain nulls -- from RFC3501, 4.3.1:
Although a BINARY body encoding is defined, unencoded binary strings are not permitted. A "binary string" is any string with NUL characters. Implementations MUST encode binary data into a textual form, such as BASE64, before transmitting the data. A string with an excessive amount of CTL characters MAY also be considered to be binary.
Note the use of MUST. If Eudora or another mail client wants to send data containing NULs, it must encode it into another form before doing so.
You are basically saying that even if (emphasize "if") the code isYes, and since the IMAP spec specifically forbids the presence of unencode binary data (defined as strings containing the NUL character), it is perfectly reasonable to assume they don't exist. Cyrus validates that the message does not violate the standard by including unencoded NULs, and rejects the message if it does.
clearly wrong, that it won't be changed because it's too difficult to
write correct code? I don't follow this argument at all. This problem
with null-terminated strings has been widely known since long before
Regarding bare newlines, RFC3501 2.2 states:
All interactions transmitted by client and server are in the form of lines, that is, strings that end with a CRLF. The protocol receiver of an IMAP4rev1 client or server is either reading a line, or is reading a sequence of octets with a known count followed by a line.
John A. Tamplin Unix System Administrator Emory University, School of Public Health +1 404/727-9931