On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 20:56, Mike Cathey wrote:
On Tue, 2003-07-15 at 10:40, Ramprasad A Padmanabhan wrote:
> Can Anyone give me any leads

Set 'Debug => 1' in your source Mail::IMAPClient instance.

What version of Mail::IMAPClient are you using?

If you're not running the latest version from CPAN (2.2.8), I strongly
suggest you do so.  I just migrated a few (~4500) accounts with the
module and found that the version in debian/stable was so old that the
migrate() method wasn't even fully implemented in it.  I had to grab the
lastest version from CPAN.  There was a bug (ID# 2455) in the migrate
method in 2.2.7 that caused it to not copy the message flags to the
destination IMAP server for messages smaller than $bufferSize.  This
appears to be fixed in 2.2.8.



Great to hear that you too are using Mail::IMAPClient. Just a question When I used the migrate function to migrate the folders ( from a WU-imap server to a cyrus server ) I found that My script would sometimes just hang. This would happen whenever the mails included some spechial charachters and '\0' chars
So I did the laborius way of getting the mail list and copying all mails one by one and timing out if a mail took too long. This way I also got rid of the bug that would set an incorrect date on the destination server. The date problem occurred only for Outlook Express clients.
BTW I am using Mail::IMAPClient ver 2.2.7

Now When I am trying to migrate from a lotus server I am having more problems of mails timing out
Besides there is an excellent pascal script for IMAP copy at

But that too does not copy all mails

I was looking if there was a utlility that could directly read the ".nsf" files from a lotus server and convert to mails in cyrus

Did you not face these problems at all, Can you just me mail me your script If you dont mind.



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