
Thanks for the quick answer... Unfortunatly, my MTA did not retry any deliverey, but perharps it is due to a wrong design :
1) I am a using the default sendmail config file shipped with Redhat, without defining a cyrus mailer, since I want to continue to popultate other mailboxes than mine, in the standard unix mailbox format.
2)  For my personnal tests with Cyrus, in my home, I defined a .procmailrc file, which keeps a local copy in /var/spool/mail, and deliver mail in my cyrus folder using cyrdeliver.

I think this setup is not good and can explain why the recover has not been done : sendmail should deliver directly with cyrdeliver, without using procmail. May you confirm this ?

It would be probably easier to use another mail server to do my own tests...

Thanks for your help,

On Tue, 9 Sep 2003, Pierre POMES wrote:

My question is : after one hour, all lmtpd process were still frozen, so
I killed them manually (what could I do else ?), and all mails stayed in
the "stage." directory. Is there a way to retry the deliver of all
theses mails ?

These mails should automaticly be retried by your MTA.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper


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