Am Sonntag, 14. September 2003 15:12 schrieb Ken Murchison:
> I haven't touched the virtdomain code in weeks/months.  My guess is that
> something in the SASL SQL plugin changed, or something in your DNS changed.

The thing is I did not use cyradm for a longer time and using it the way I 
used to use it does not work any more if not connecting to localhost...
It took quite some time to figure out what is going on and I definetly can 
reproduce the behaviour which somehow is confusing. I can live with having to 
connect locally :-)
DNS did not change and SASL also did not change because I use the debian sasl2 
packages by Henrique which havent changed since I started using them. The 
only thing I compile myself is cyrus-2.2 from cvs and so something therein 
must have changed somehow OR maybe I used to "cyradm localhost" before and 
never did "cyradm outside-ip-address" so that I did not notice this behaviour 
earlier. Also there are no patches applied to the cvs sources. This all makes 
me think that something is really broken with my installation. Everything 
works. Even cyradm works if I add a second admin-user into the mysql-table 
for beeing able to "cyradm ip-address" but it is annoying somehow that after 
not using cyradm for a longer time I first have to "debug" my installation 
for hours just to be able to create a new mailbox which took less than a 
minute before...
Do you think there is something wrong with my installation ? As said: 
Everything  works (seems to) except "cyradm ip-address" instead of "cyradm 
localhost" with this strange behaviour which definetly is reproducable !
I am using "libsasl2-modules-mysql 2.1.15-0.woody.5.0" on the system.


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