On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Denis V. Suhanov wrote:

> Hello,
> I  am  using  Cyrus  IMAP 2.1.15 with Sendmail. I've spent lot of time
> trying  to set up my IMAP clients (M$ Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird and
> "The  Bat!")  to work with it but I keep having problems with folders.
> Whenever  I  create  a user (e.g. cm user.test), each of these clients
> gets  an  non-selectable  folder  "user",  then  fodler  "test"  which
> contains  all  user's messages. I tried to play with IMAP root setting
> on the clients, but it does not seem to help much. If I make user.test
> my IMAP root - I am unable to see the messages :). I can not set INBOX
> as  my  IMAP  root  (all  clients report server error, something like:
> "Your specified Root Folder Path of 'INBOX' could neither be found nor
> created. Please verify your Root Folder Path is correct, and that your
> IMAP  account  is properly configured". When I use 'user.test' in this
> situation,  everything  works just fine, except that I can not see the
> messages (apparentely, they are left higher in the folder hierarchy).

What you see as the Cyrus admin is a little different that what an IMAP
user sees.  "user.test" is the Inbox folder, but user's access it as
"INBOX".  Unless you have set altnamespace: yes in your imapd.conf file,
you should set your Root Folder Path to "INBOX." (note the period after

> I  am  trying  to manually create an inbox folder for users, something
> like  'cm  user.test.INBOX'  and  try  to  deliver  one's main to this
> manually  created  folder.  This is to put all the folder (Sent Items,
> Drafts  etc) under the same 'user.test' and make it look good. I tried
> to  find  something  on  the  Net but failed. Is there a way for me to

"user.test" is the INBOX, as seen from the admin viewpoint.  Mail
delivered to user "test" will go into that mailbox.  Subfolders would be
"user.test.subfolder" from the admin viewpoint and "INBOX.subfolder" from
the user viewpoint.


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