On Sat, 27 Sep 2003, Hank Beatty wrote:

> Took dir.txt and converted it to the format of mboxlist file (except for
> the tab on the end of each line. Not sure if this caused a problem)

This will likely cause a problem with the ACLs.

> The above steps got POP working, but IMAP gives ???Mailbox does not
> exist??? when trying to select the ???INBOX??? using squirrelmail.

I suspect this can be caused by a munged ACL.

> I also tried using the reconstruct command before and after moving the
> mailboxes.db to no avail. At this point I???m thinking of writing the
> ???m option of reconstruct unless anyone has some better ideas or has
> already written something that might help. While writing the ???m option
> I might try to figure out why the ???f and ???r options of reconstruct
> didn???t appear to work in my case. I???m wondering if the ???f and ???r
> options don???t work because I???m using the fulldirhash option.

-r means "look at the mailbox list and descend"

-f means "look at subdirectories" which won't always work quite right on
top level mailboxes because of how hashing is done.

Its unlikely fulldirhash affected this at all.


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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