On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 08:17, Igor Brezac wrote:
> The cvs version of saslauthd has ldap_default_realm.

This would not fill the same function - see below.

> Why don't you hard code the realm here "uid=%U,ou=myrealm,o=LDAP"?  You
> run a separate imapd/pop3d/saslauthd/slapd instance for each domain...

Because I'll be using a single saslauthd instance to authenticate all
the imapd (et al) instances - each of those with their own "forced"
realm.  Thus, the '%r' is the determining factor here: it MUST be part
of the filter in order for the namespaces to be completely separate.

Thus, the saslauthd must be able to find users for different realms on
the same LDAP tree, and because there's no other way of telling it how
to find the users for a particular realm, this patch had to be hatched

Is this clearer?  Please tell me if there is (was) an easier way of
accomplishing this.

Kerberos (and other domain-enabled mechanisms) are out of the question
at this point in time.


* Diego Rivera                                            *
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* "The Disease: Windows, the cure: Linux"                 *
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