Doug Koobs schrieb:
> Greetings,
> I've rebuilt and installed Simon Matter's Cyrus RPMs on RH9 without any
> difficulty. I don't want to create user accounts on the system, just in
> Cyrus. However, I'm completely lost trying to figure out the best way to do
> this. Should I use PAM, Kerberos, SASL? None of which mean very much to

It's really difficult to tell you what's the best method here. There are
so many way to do it.
I'm using saslauthd->PAM->shadow or saslauthd->shadow on small workgroup
servers where every user has a unix account anyway. On dedicated
mailservers, I'm usually using saslauthd->PAM->LDAP or saslauthd->LDAP.
Other people like using a local sasldb.
The rpms default to use saslauthd, which is configured to use shadow on
a default RH9 configuration. If you want to change this, you can either
modify your saslauthd config by editing /etc/sysconfig/saslauthd or by
editing the following lines in imapd.conf:
sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
sasl_mech_list: PLAIN

Check out the cyrus-imapd docs, it should be all there.


> me... Is there a how-to, or maybe even a more basic document, discussing the
> pros and cons (and how to configure) these with Cyrus? Thanks!
> Doug

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