Hi folks.

(I'm using version 2.1.15 of the Cyrus Imap server, version 2.1.15
of SASL, and Berkeley DB version 4.1.25)

I'm experiencing a weird corruption... I have user here... some of
his folders work (have the cyrus.* files).  But one of his folder, and
the INBOX as well... they don't work.  I have tried "reconstruct" with
all the possible combination of -r, -f, and -x, but still no go.

If I do:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cyrus]$ reconstruct -r -f user.JohnSmith

I get:

user.JohnSmith: Mailbox has an invalid format    <---- HMMMMMM
user.JohnSmith.My Stuff.Book A Day
user.JohnSmith.My Stuff.Book A Day.Fiction

And we get several lines with valid and fine subfolders...

Until we get something like:

user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet: Mailbox has an invalid format 
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet.AI False: System I/O error No such file or 
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet.Ceco Work: Mailbox has an invalid format 
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet.Ceco Work.AI False: Mailbox has an invalid 
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet.Ceco Work.Ceco Work: System I/O error No such 
file or directory
user.JohnSmith.Folder.Sub folder.Comet.Ceco Work.Magistr: Mailbox has an invalid 

This goes on for this "Sub folder".  (He has other folders, with space
in the name, and those folders are ok.)

If I go into "cyradmin", then that user and his folders do look allright
to me.

So... Any hints would be apreciated.

Thanks in advance,

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