On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Rob Siemborski wrote:

> On Tue, 18 Nov 2003, Andrew Morgan wrote:
> > That sounds good to me.  I've never touched the Cyrus Wiki before...  Do
> > you want to add it, or should I create an account for myself and figure
> > out where to put it?  :)
> Creating generic accounts is currently Hard because we're sharing this
> with some of our internal sites.
> But just doing it as a guest user should be fine.

Uhh, so where in the Wiki should I put it?  Also, I was intending to just
create a link to my site, rather than duplicating the content into the
Wiki.  Is that what you had in mind?

Sorry, I'm a little ignorant when it comes to Wiki's...  :)


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