Etienne Goyer schrieb:
> Hi,
> What I conclude is that the '.' is always the hierarchy separator,
> whatever the value of unixhierarchysep is.  If this is true, does that
> mean that it is not legal to have mailbox name with '.' in them in
> Cyrus Murder ?

No! This is possible.

From doc/altnamespace.html:

When the UNIX hierarchy convention is used, the "." character MAY be used in mailbox names, including user names. In order to maintain backwards compatibility with the internal namespace, all "." characters are translated to a benign character (currently "^") before any data is stored to disk. For example, if user "elmer.fudd" had a personal "rabbit.holes" mailbox, it would be stored as "user.elmer^fud.rabbit^holes" in the internal namespace. It is important to remember this phenomenon if/when reverting back to the netnews hierarchy convention.

Do you have altnamespace set also ? Would that change anything for you turning it on/off ? Keep in mind that in a murder, all single installations have to have the same settings for unixhierarchysep and altnamespace. You cannot set unixhierarchysep: no on the backend but yes on mupdate-master or the frontend.


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