Ken Murchison wrote:

Would you want to feed to all of the servers, or just one? Currently, fetchnews and nntpd are only setup to have one upstream peer.

Yes, I would want to feed messages back to all the servers.

Actually fetchnews can work with any server you want, but it doesn't keep track of the groups by server. So, as long as there isn't any intersection of the groups your are fetching from the servers, your won't have a problem. If anybody thinks that fetching the same groups from different servers is necessary, I can tweak the fetchnews.db format to handle this (I think).

There is no overlap between the groups from the different servers, and grouping them is easy with wildcard matching:

everything else

Until I add POST support, you could set a news2mail annotation on the groups that you want to feed upstream and then use lmtp2nntp

OK, I will look at that as well. My outbound message volume is very light, so I don't need anything very complicated to handle it.

The "news" folders are no different from "email" folders. You can feed them via NNTP and serve them via IMAP or feed them via LMTP and serve them via NNTP (or any other combo). SquirrelMail shouldn't have any problem serving up your newsgroups.

Very nice! That means that once I have this done I'll be able access all four of my mailboxes and all the newsgroups I participate in from anywhere on the Internet... life will be sweet :-)

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