On Fri, 16 Jan 2004, Simon Matter wrote:

> --enable-annotatemore
> It's still in the docs but I can't find it in configure. Does it have no
> effect anymore?

ANNOTATEMORE is always enabled in 2.2.3.

> --with-mboxlist-db=something
> The upgrade docs tell me that I can still use this option to define mbox
> db, or is this all gone with 2.2.3. I expected this will change the
> defaults in 2.2.3 which are used when no db is configured in imapd.conf.

This is all gone, you just use the imapd.conf options now.

I suppose we should clean up the earlier bits of install-upgrade.html, but
you should always read that file from least recent version to newest, and
it should all be covered.

> The background here is that I'm looking for a way to determine which dbs
> are used if there are no backends configured in imapd.conf. I found out
> that lib/imapoptions contains the defaults but I didn't find the place
> where the new configure time defaults are stored after using
> --with-mboxlist-db=berkeley.

"man imapd.conf" will tell you the defaults (they are the same as the old
compile-time defaults).


Rob Siemborski * Andrew Systems Group * Cyert Hall 207 * 412-268-7456
Research Systems Programmer * /usr/contributed Gatekeeper

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