hi guys,
I own a freebsd virtual server on a known VDS provider... It's a freebsd 4.8-RELEASE-p10...
I use it for web hosting ...
Yesterday, i did configure Postfix with Smtp Auth with Sasldb...
And i'm now trying to configure Cyrus-imapd with salsdb...

I did install cyrus-imapd from /usr/ports/mail using the default make options... Without errors...

Here's my /usr/local/etc/imapd.conf

configdirectory: /var/imap
partition-default: /var/spool/imap
allowanonymouslogin: no
admins: cyrus root
sieveusehomedir: false
sievedir: /var/imap/sieve
sasl_pwcheck_method: sasldb
( All the other options are commented ( by default ) )

I did create, with saslpasswd, the cyrus user... But i also have a regular user that i created for the Postfix smtp auth with salsdb that was working yesterday for smtp auth...

When i try :
#imtest -m login -p imap locahost
Nothing else than one line is shown...

And it's waiting...

A netstat shown that imap is running :
tcp4       0      0  foo.bar.com.pop3s *.*                    LISTEN
tcp4       0      0  foo.bar.com.pop3  *.*                    LISTEN
tcp4       0      0  foo.bar.com.imaps *.*                    LISTEN
tcp4       0      0  foo.bar.com.imap  *.*                    LISTEN

i know that imtest is connecting to the imap server ...
tcp4      16      0  foo.bar.com.imap  foo.bar.com.4666  CLOSE_WAIT
tcp4       0      0  foo.bar.com.4666  foo.bar.com.imap  FIN_WAIT_2

I looked through my logs...
When the imap server starts ( I start it by /usr/local/etc/rc.d/imapd.sh ), it's showing me this:

Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41829]: process started
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41830]: about to exec /usr/local/cyrus/bin/ctl_mboxlist
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute ctl_mboxlist[41830]: running mboxlist recovery
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute ctl_mboxlist[41830]: DBERROR db3: /var/imap/db/__db.001: No such file or directory
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute last message repeated 3 times
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute ctl_mboxlist[41830]: DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/imap/db' failed: No such file or directory
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41829]: process 41830 exited, status 75
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41831]: about to exec /usr/local/cyrus/bin/ctl_deliver
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41829]: process 41831 exited, status 1
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute ctl_mboxlist[41832]: DBERROR: dbenv->open '/var/imap/db' failed: No such file or directory
Jan 21 17:10:09 pantoute master[41829]: process 41832 exited, status 75

There's no message in the logs when i connect to the server...
I tried to solve the problem with dberror... without success...
I want to use the /usr/local/etc/salsdb.db database ...

Help is needed :)
Also... mail sending doesn't work anymore...
Jan 23 13:12:44 pantoute postfix/pipe[75862]: C79E0153CB: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, orig_to=<root>, relay=cyrus, delay=47396, status=deferred (temporary failure. Command output: couldn't connect to lmtpd: Socket is not connected_ 421 4.3.0 deliver: couldn't connect to lmtpd_ )


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