On Sat, 2004-01-24 at 07:42, Rob Keeling wrote:
> I have a small cyrus Imap installation running in a school with 1200
> mailboxes.
> What I would like to do is get hold of some scripting which would return the
> unread message count and/or
> the age of the latest message.
> The idea is that I can use this info to alert users to go into web mail and
> read the email when they log into our
> intranet.
> I have done a substantial amount of goggling, but although I realise I may
> need to set up a Cyrus user will access
> to all mailboxes to achieve this, I can`t find any example scripting which
> would give me a clue.

Here is a pointer using the PHP imap_status() function to get the info
you're after:


The example script on that page should be a good starting point for you.
Scott Russell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Technology Center System Admin

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