Christopher Paluch wrote:

Since no one has answered by previous post, I will try a different tact.

In another post I've seen reference to a manual section 18.5 or something like that.  
Where is this manual?
The Cyrus website points to the doc/ directory that comes with the distribution as containing the manual.  
I've found several documents in that directory but nothing seems to be numbered in sections.  So where 
would I find this section 18.5 that is supposed to talk about "prefix=" and "suffix=".

Thanks for anyone you responds to this post.

There is no manual. Where did you see a reference to section 18.5 of the manual? Are you confusing this with something like imapd.conf(5) or imapd(8)? These are UNIX manual page references, e.g:

man imapd
man imapd.conf

Kenneth Murchison     Oceana Matrix Ltd.
Software Engineer     21 Princeton Place
716-662-8973 x26      Orchard Park, NY 14127
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