> Yes I have read the list archives, I found some tips about but I still
> have the same message.
> This is how I run saslauthd:
> saslauthd -c -a pam&

Okay, your saslauthd uses PAM.

> when I run testsaslauthd -u cyrus -p cyruspass
> I received: 0: OK "Success"
> sasldblistusers2:

sasldb2 doesn't come into the game here.

The question is how you have configured PAM? Check /var/log/messages to
see the error messages from PAM.


> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: userPassword
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]: cmusaslsecretOTP
> My sasldb2 has the following permisssions:
> -rw-r-----    1 cyrus    mail        12288 2004-02-18 17:59 sasldb2
> These are the options I used to configure:
> ./configure --enable-anon --enable-plain --enable-login --disable-krb4
> --disable-otp --disable-cram --disable-digest
> --with-saslauthd=/var/run/saslauthd --with-pam=/lib/security
> --with-dblib=berkeley --with-bdb-libdir=/usr/local/bdb/lib
> --with-bdb-incdir=/usr/local/bdb/include --with-openssl=/usr/local/ssl
> --with-plugindir=/usr/local/lib/sasl2
> Thanks for your help.
> Luis.
> Simon Matter wrote:
>>>I intalled cyrus-imapd following the Luc's Howto, but I'm at the final
>>>part of the doc where it says:
>>>To use the cyradm CLI please take care that the tool does recognize
>>>standard CLI- options like -u and similar. Please follow the syntax like
>>>descried in the man page cyradm1 , like the followinf example:
>>>#cyadm --user cyrus --server localhost --auth plain
>>>Password:SASL2 password
>>>IMAP password: here I give a password that I have just introduced
>>>Then I received the following message:
>>>Login failed: authentication failure at
>>>line 118
>>>cyradm: cannot authenticate to server with plain as cyrus
>>Is saslauthd running? Is saslauthd configured properly?
>>Maybe you can find your answer in the list archives, this has been
>>discussed before.
>>>This is my imapd.conf
>>>postmaster: postmaster
>>>configdirectory: /var/imap
>>>partition-default: /var/spool/imap
>>>admins: cyrus
>>>allowanonymouslogin: no
>>>allowplaintext: yes
>>>sasl_mech_list: PLAIN
>>>servername: linux.local
>>>autocreatequota: 10000
>>>reject8bit: no
>>>quotawarn: 90
>>>timeout: 30
>>>poptimeout: 10
>>>dracinterval: 0
>>>drachost: localhost
>>>sasl_pwcheck_method: saslauthd
>>>sievedir: /usr/sieve
>>>sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail
>>>sieve_maxscriptsize: 32
>>>sieve_maxscripts: 5
>>>#unixhierarchysep: yes
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