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Edward Rudd wrote:

| try running this
| telnet localhost imap
| 123 logout
| and see what shows up from the IMAP server.. That will tell you if you
| are connecting to Cyrus or another mail service on the computer..
| It should show up something like this..
| * OK myhost.mydomain.tld Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.3 server ready
| As it looks like you are not actually connecting to Cyrus.. that would
| be the reason for mboxish files in your home directory.

That's what I initially suspected, but here's the conversation with my

schizo [178]# pkill xinetd schizo [179]# ps -ef | grep imap ~ andrea 12302 1 0 18:01:21 ? 0:00 imapd ~ manuka 17720 1 0 06:33:26 ? 0:00 imapd ~ manuka 13516 1 0 20:23:28 ? 0:00 imapd ~ andrea 12997 1 0 19:21:21 ? 0:01 imapd ~ root 11936 4097 0 Mar 06 pts/4 0:00 tail -f /var/log/imapd.log schizo [180]# pkill imapd schizo [181]# ps -ef | grep sasl ~ root 12106 12102 0 17:43:30 ? 0:00 saslauthd -a shadow ~ root 12102 1 0 17:43:29 ? 0:00 saslauthd -a shadow ~ root 12103 12102 0 17:43:29 ? 0:00 saslauthd -a shadow ~ root 12105 12102 0 17:43:30 ? 0:00 saslauthd -a shadow ~ root 12104 12102 0 17:43:30 ? 0:00 saslauthd -a shadow schizo [182]# /usr/cyrus/bin/master & [1] 17961 schizo [183]# telnet localhost imap Trying Connected to localhost ( Escape character is '^]'. * OK schizo Cyrus IMAP4 v2.2.3 server ready . logout * BYE LOGOUT received . OK Completed Connection closed by foreign host. schizo [184]# cyradm --user mailadm localhost IMAP Password:

localhost> lm
user.manuka (\HasNoChildren)
localhost> dm user.manuka
deletemailbox: Permission denied
localhost> cm user.ian
localhost> lm
user.ian (\HasNoChildren)     user.manuka (\HasNoChildren)
localhost> quit
schizo [185]# cd ~mailadm
schizo [186]# ls
user.ian           user.manuka        user.manuka.lists  user.manuka.test
schizo [187]# ls -l
total 8
- -rw-------   1 mailadm  other        507 Mar  9 17:50 user.ian
- -rw-------   1 mailadm  other        507 Mar  9 17:47 user.manuka
- -rw-------   1 mailadm  other        507 Mar  9 17:47 user.manuka.lists
- -rw-------   1 mailadm  other        507 Mar  9 17:48 user.manuka.test
schizo [188]# cat user.ian
~From MAILER-DAEMON Tue Mar  9 17:50:05 2004
Date: 09 Mar 2004 17:50:05 -0600
From: Mail System Internal Data <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-IMAP: 1078876205 0000000000
Status: RO

This text is part of the internal format of your mail folder, and is not
a real message.  It is created automatically by the mail system software.
If deleted, important folder data will be lost, and it will be re-created
with the data reset to initial values.

schizo [189]# cyradm --user mailadm localhost
IMAP Password:

localhost> lm
user.ian (\HasNoChildren)     user.manuka (\HasNoChildren)
localhost> quit

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